Sunday, 20 November 2011

Gratuitous post of self-interest

Nothing to do with nerdiness or video games here I'm afraid, just a little bit of shameless self-promotion - I got a job!  After a few months of prawning about and generally being useless, I got my finger out and manned up, went to some interviews, and was offered a job with MB Interactive, a web design company based in St. Albans.  Now comes the "trying to find a place to live" part, filled with phone calls, e-mails, and visits - hooray for admin!  Needless to say, I'm going to use this as an excuse for not posting anything interesting or relevant (though I'll try to find some time tomorrow).  In the meantime, enjoy some incredible music, from a fantastic bloke, who always seems to be able to express my feelings with infinitely more poetry than I could ever muster:

"I'm sorry, baby, for the times that I hurt you,
Sorry friends, for the times I desert you;
Most days it feels like I don't deserve you,
And I wonder why you're all still around."

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