Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A quick update

The past few weeks seem to have flown by - I seem to have started six or seven projects, and completed precisely none of them.
Still, the twitterbot at seems to be working well (even if George did manage to find an "island of uninterestingness" that extended for several numbers!), and the bot I set up to generate quasi-random compliments for Laura seems not to have fallen over (at least, she hasn't complained that it's stopped complimenting her!)

One interesting project that's been abandoned for now was finding a football players' "Beckham number" - a measure of how distant a player is from David Beckham, in terms of playing on teams (analogously with Bacon or ErdÅ‘s numbers). Unfortunately, turns out that a) there have been a lot of football teams over the years, and b) there are no easily accessible and well-organised databases of them (best I could find was here, and I did start running a rudimentary scraper on it, but when it was still running two weeks later, I gave it up as a lost cause and resolved to find a more efficient method later).

I also experimented with writing a Raytracer before realising that, although it's very easy to conceptualise with a rudimentary grasp of physics, it's a VERY time-consuming and intricate project to code. Very high effort-to-reward ratio. Not a good free-time project.

BUT I have been tinkering more with the Pi a lot more. I ditched Mediatomb as a media server due to weird database organisation, and went with the more slimline minidlna. This has the added bonus that it doesn't come with a web interface, so I'm in the process of designing my own. Heheh, only in the FOSS world would a lack of a feature be considered a bonus :)

And, of course, there's the super-duper top-secret project I've been working on, which will utterly change the face of this blog as we know it - but that's to be revealed later ;)

Oh, and, before I forget - in our daily football predictions, today we were guessing the score of two teams named Ajax and City. James, of course, expressed the former as an expanded acronym. Respect.

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