A quick note that might not obvious from the context here - I noticed around Season Four that Valyrian (or, sometimes, some other "Eastern" languages - it didn't seem to be super consistent) used "Daaria" as "Queen". Which I promptly nerded out at a) the fact that I could notice that at all, and b) the possible nod to Daario being linked with a Queen.
Episode 1
OK - after a needlessly faffy kerfuffle
getting HBO Go set up, it's on to Season Six!
Wow...did HBO always have this ~5 minute
"previously on Game Of Thrones" intro? Yawwwwwn...
The ep's called The Red Woman but it feels
like it would be too much for Jon to return in the first ep? I haven't seen
promo pics of 6!Jon, so I don't know what colour his eyes are, so don't know if
it's by Ice or by Fire, but I assume the latter.
Uhhh...that hand motion would not have
closed his eyes, it just covered his eyes while he closed them himself.
That's interesting - "I saw him in the
flames, fighting at Winterfell" - reasonably sure in the books her vision
is on the wall, fighting White Walkers?
One reason this story is so great is that
there are very few genuine straight-up bad guys. Even Alliser Thorne, someone
you're set up to detest and root against, is pretty defensible if you haven't
seen/don't believe in the Others.
Ghost's definitely smaller than I imagined.
Aren't they meant to be like shoulder-high (though I think Ghost was smaller
than Grey Wind)? I know CGI's an issue, but that didn't hold them back with the
dragons - just keep them out-of-shot as much as needed.
Heh, and as soon as I write that thing
about "no truly bad people", we're back to Ramsay. Still
back-and-forth on to what degree he's truly fucksy-psycho-mentalpants
irredeemable monster, and how much he's
fucked-in-the-head-but-struggling-to-be-not-awful. Maybe I'm just looking for
subtlety where there is none, but I definitely read some signs of
desire-to-change in his interactions with Sansa last season. We'll see.
"Thanks to you, the false king Stannis
Baratheon is dead. Do you know who struck the killing blow?"
"A shame, I'd reward the man" LOL
(Also, foreshadowing that she was
interrupted (Lady Stoneheart?) and he's not really dead? Or am I just
over-Game-of-Thrones-ing Game-of-Thrones?)
OK, so, just to recap - book!Jeyne Pool
spends a much longer time in Winterfell, is engaged to Ramsay, and is rescued
by Abel/Mance (with the assistance of Spearwives, and Reek). Looks like Sansa
is likewise fleeing Winterfell and an engagement to Ramsay in the company of
Reek. We saw "Mance Rayder" burned alive and shot to death at the
wall, but Rattleshirt himself was killed previously to that. Different glamour,
or just diverging entirely?
Welp, nice try Reek...
"I can't wait to see what parts Ramsay
cuts off you this time" - was that Matt Berry's voice!?
Ah yeah, of course, Brienne rescuing Sansa
makes perfect sense (also, Pod's gettin' some skillz!)
Jesus Christ, Brienne's selfless dedication
and humble service is gonna make it really gut-wrenching when she inevitably
gets GRRM'd...
(Why would Pod know the Northern reciprocal
vow of acceptance of fealty better than Sansa? He was a squire of the
Westerlands and then of King's Landing, but she lived for stories of princes
and kinghts)
"Sympathy for Cersei doesn't last very
long" - well, watching her daughter's corpse be rowed ashore is sure doin'
it for me...I guess it'll be "here I go schemin' again" soon enough,
"From her first breath, she was so
sweet. She was nothing like me - no meanness, no jealousy. I thought if I could
make something so good, so pure, maybe I'm not such a monster after all"
"Everything they've taken from us,
we're going to take back and more" - uhhh...that could go, badly...
Awnhhhh shiiiiiiit, Areo and Doran down
just like that!? Feels like Doran really didn't have much of a role in the show
at all...
Yeah, totally saw that
spear-in-the-back-of-the-head coming...Bronn could have taught him a thing or
"Kill the masters // Mhysa is a
master" FFS, be consistent with your linguistics. (still, the priest said
"Daaria Daenerys", so I'm happy) - post-hoc edit - I AM VINDICATED
"We won't be sailing to Westeros any
time soon" May as well have looked straight at the camera and winked.
Pretty sure the sting that played when
J-Bear picked up Daenerys' ring was the same one that was played in the
fighting pits when they joined hands (remember, I asked you if you recognised
"It is forbidden to lie with a Khal's
widow" thaaaaaaaat does not seem super in-keeping with the Dothraki
way-of-life...oh wait, shit, yeah, I forgot. Vaes Dothrak. a.k.a. the epitome
of "when women aren't wives any longer, they immediately become wise old
It did not feel necessary for Melisandre to
be naked for that scene.
Baby Ned! Dw'ahhh
I'm like 99% sure that "Keep your
shield up, or I'll ring your head like a bell" is a callback to Jon saying
the same thing to a Night's Watch brother he was training last season...
Hodor talks :)
Heh, they got in the bit about Wun-Wun
smashing a Night's Watchman against a wall - still no smoking wounds or salt
yet, though...
sidenote - did you know that Wun-Wun
killing Patrek of King's Mountain is a coded dig by GRMM (a fan of the New York
Giants, whose quarter back wears #11) at his friend Patrick Denis of Montreal,
who favours the Dallas Cowboys (whose emblem is a blue star, just like Ser
Ohhhhhhkay considerably less inclined to
treat Ramsay with sympathy now.
Hah that Karstark just instantly backing
Ramsay. He knows which way the wind's blowing.
And now it's hinted that Ramsay's gonna
kill the baby too. Duuuude.
OK this is gonna sound weird but...it must
have taken a considerable amount of time for people to figure out that sex
caused pregnancy. Think about it, there's not exactly an instant feedback loop
to tell you that action A caused outcome B, and you're unlikely to be able to
arrange much of a reliable control group. Presumably among super-early
"civilizations" (like, troglodytic gatherings) most people over a
certain age would be having sex reasonably regularly, pregnancy could easily be
written off as just something that simply happened past a certain point of
maturity, like body hair. When society developed to the point where "higher
classes" weren't rutting on the regular, it could just as easily be
short-sightedly be thought that pregnancy was prevented by cleanliness, or
wealth, or privilege, or all sorts of things.
Awnhhhhh shit son, Ramsay's fucked up.
Interesting that Balon's survived this long
after Joffrey and Renly (though, it is a dark and stormy night...and it was
hinted that he was killed by a Faceless Man, who we've been seeing more of
Welp, there we go
Jon looks a lot like Robb with that
Episode 3
Goddamn, Jon has, like, ZERO body fat. Those shoulder muscles.
"Stannis was not the Prince who was
Promised, but someone has to be" oh hey, show watchers, there's that
prophecy thing again for you
"You were dead, and now you're
not" I love Davos forever
"Good, now go fail again" perhaps
you should...FAIL BETTER? (It would be super anti climactic if he just got
shanked as soon as he walked out) - notes for people who aren't Olivia or George - Olivia works at a company named Failbetter Games
I love that I could recognise Arthur Dayne
IMMEDIATELY. Perfect casting
Yeah I don't see a similarity between
Howland and the High Sparrow. Shame. - note - there is a popular fan-theory from the books that the High Sparrow is Howland Reed, Jojen and Meera's father, who is wreaking havoc in the capital as revenge on the Lannisters and is going to be the source of Jon's revelation that R+L=J
Some guy wearing a Dornish-looking turban
with the Stark&Reed posse? Interesting. I want to check the book!canon
group but I don't want to risk spoilers.
Wait, no, no, fuckin' no - Arthur Dayne is
the other dude, the Loras-but-tougher-looking dirty blonde, surely? Not the
grim-'n'-gritty dude who just so happens to have a sunburst on his pommel?
OK, in fairness, Loras-alike got killed off
pretty quickly and Dayne's kickin' all kinds of butt. Fair enough. The other
guy visually fit my image of Dayne much better, though.
Good work attacking the V, there, Art. - this is a Jiu-Jitsu thing. Just move along.
Well, I guess it has been more than half an
hour since we've had some nudity, I guess they need to fill their quota (and
make some point about "Khaleesis being stripped of their grandeur" or
"Es" was Dothraki imperative
"Go", sounds like "Why didn't you come to us after Khal Drogo
died?" included a prominent "Eso". I feel like I need to give
more props to the linguists for creating what appear to be consistent languages
(though, if I recall, they actually made a big deal about hiring a linguist to
construct Dothraki? Can't remember if they did so for the other languages) - retroactive note - there was a recent AMA with the language creator here.
Of COURSE Qyburn is stepping into the
spymaster role...
"If we're to be just and good, then we
must accept it, even kings. The wisest king avails himself of the wisest
counsellors, and no-one is wiser than the gods" - reckon he was listening in
the sept when Tywin said similar to Tommen (or someone told him)?
Awhnnn SHIIIIT Osha and Rickon! No way that
Ramsay should let him leave that room alive...either that or Reekify him :(
Goddamn Thorne, you're a fucker but I
respect the shit out of your conviction.
That's a...weird place to have a reprise of
Rains of Castamere? Signifying a swift and bloody reprisal to beat down
rebellion (in which case, it's inconsistent that Jon's not sticking around to
continue to lead the Watch), or the rise of the Lannisters (hardly), or...? Or
am I just reading too much into things, again? - this was at the point where Jon walked out of the watch after executing the traitors
OK, Sansa making it to Castle Black is a
significant change from book story. Actually Sansa herself has been the chief
source of divergence so far.
"If I don't look after you, Father's
ghost will come back and haunt me" Kind of a weird thing for you to be
joking about right now, Jon...
Robyn is nigh-on Joffrey levels of
dangerous. Nowhere near so actively psychopathic, but far more easily
manipulated and utterly without mercy or compassion.
Maybe I'm giving her too much credit here,
but Cersei appears to have played this one astonishingly well - the Lannister
forces have been expressly ordered to stand down, so even if the Faith Militant
strike back, the Tyrell army will take the brunt of the blow.
I can't tell if Cersei's "you want
your son back, so stand aside and let the people who took him from you be
destroyed" has a parallel with Tywin and Jaime. Jaime was taken from him
by the Kingsguard, but in the case of the sack of King's Landing it was Jaime
who "stood aside" (opened the gates) to his father, and then killed
Aerys who had taken him from his father. Eh, I don't think it fits, it's just a
case of a small possibility space of the potential interactions between
fathers-and-sons, opposing loyalties, etc.
Everyone is very adamant that Margary's
walk of atonement cannot happen. Hinting at the implied pregnancy from the
books? They haven't dropped any hints yet that I've noticed (I don't recall any
reference to Moon Tea)...
Dat pink letter d'oh
Uhhh, so Daenerys' plan seems...not strong.
Unless she's ever tested her asbestos skin (which, we've never seen?), seems
like a hell of a gamble to think that she would be able to walk unburned again.
Plus smoke inhalation is a thing. Plus that dirt/stone floor went up very fast
(implication of spilled/planted oil?). That said, as a symbolic callback to the
end of Season One, it's superb. And oh hey, look, Daenerys miraculously
acquires another army! Rand Al'Thor levels of power-acquisition going on
Overall, that was a very nothing-y episode.
Barring Dany's coup, what actually happened? Cersei came up with a scheme to
engage the FM with the Tyrell army, Jon was taunted by Ramsay, Osha was killed
(no biggie, overarching-plot-wise). No Sam, no Arya, no Bran. Very setup-y.
Actually, considering that the only action in the Vale was "the time has
come to enter the fray", maybe they were explicitly trying to lump the
build-up into one episode.
And on to
episode 5!
(Only noticed this on the recap, but -
"it's time to join the fray". Unusual choice of words. Mayhaps it has
some significance? Heh.)
Fucking hell, does Baelish have a
Goddamn Petyr you done fucked upppppppp.
Arya doing a kip-up - isn't that like Seb's
wet dream or something? (Oh wait, no, she's not a red-headed lesbian. Close,
though). The waif's got some skillzzz.
"Winds of Winter", you say, oh
That play is actually really interesting in
how the events were twisted with time. Ned claiming the throne? Tyrion bribing
the headsman? Completely false, but with time and distance you can see how that
idea would have spread.
Aaaaaah the old "walkers as ecological
warfare/defence from the CotF" theory. Makes sense.
Euron does not look like I imagined him.
Thought he was going to be dark, gaunt, long-haired - kinda middle-eastern
looking, actually. Though character-wise, he's spot-on in the brash, laddish,
self-assured swagger.
Kind of gotta respect Euron's balls in just
straight-up admitting to regicide (though, if it's going to be accepted
anywhere, the Iron Islands would be the ones to go)
J-BEAR :'(
In the continuing adventures of etymology,
there was an "Ezio" somewhere in the introduction of the First
Servant of Light - goddamn I'm such a nerd
So Varys has got some SERIOUS beef with the
Lord of Light. Were they the ones who castrated him? OMG because of Blackfyre
ancestry? Though we've only seen King's blood or the body as a whole used, but
Yesssssss almost-almost-confirmed (she
referred to a "second-rate sorceror", but didn't state that he wasn't
a (second-rate) follower of the LoL)
It slightly bothers me that Bran's able to
"see" places that aren't adjacent to Heart Trees (not in this ep, but
previous ones, e.g. the Tower of Joy) - but it's an understandable necessity.
Yesssssss Manderleys goan kick some fuckin'
"A bit brooding, perhaps - I suppose
it's understandable, considering" they're just playing that for
understated laughs all the time, aren't they? :)
Dw'awwww Jon and Sansa sibling-times :)
Meera Reed is talking about happy things
that she's looking forward to which means that she's going to die :(
OK shit is going DOWN. What do we think,
Bloodraven can cast magic through Bran ("time for you to become me")?
That still seems nowhere near enough to take on that horde...
Soooooo....we're going to need an
explanation of why the White Walkers turned on their creators. Just the
standard "unleashed powers beyond their control" story?
Oh kaaaay, so CotF speears are tipped with
dragonglass (or otherwise have those properties)? That would have been useful
to know...
SUMMER!!!! :'(
Fuuuuuuuuuck. I had been spoiled on the
general shape of that ending but fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. - yeah, this was "Hold the door". Fucking hell.
Episode 6
COLDHANDS, BIZNATCH, although, not Stag. So...just straight-up
Yeah that's a Northern voice. And it would
make more thematic sense to "meet' Benjen immediately after Bran's been
reminded of him.
Awwww the female Tarlys are so lovely.
Shame Randall's likely going to be a shitstack.
Uhhh assuming Margary's putting this on.
She's got a spine of steel, no way they broke her (and also if they had broken
her she would be a fucking mess, nowhere near as composed as she is now).
I mean fair enough, everything she's saying
about "being good at being seen to be good" is 100% true, but still.
Haha Sam the Slayer got himself a Valyrian
Steel blade :)
Pretty sure the dwarf in that play was
named as Oppo (as in, Penny and Groat) - from the books. They're pretty niche, you probably haven't heard of them
OK events at the Sept of Baelor are....an
interesting development. My first reaction was the same as Olenna's, that the
High Sparrow had outmanoeuvred them, but there's no reason why an alliance
between the Crown and the Faith can't be spun beneficially - it could well be a
feint by the Lanni-rells.
...Oh, ok, nope, Tommen's full-on
brainwashed. Nevermind. They fucked.
Oooh, Jaime's going to the Riverlands? You
know who he meeeeeets in the Riiiiiverlands... - I think I was talking about Lady Stoneheart here
Cersei's actually speaking sense. Or, I
guess, speaking Nutso McCrazy-pants but still making good tactical decisions.
"I will not choose three blood
riders" subtle nod that they're abandoning the Three Heads of the Dragon?
Episode 7
What the whaaaaat this episode started with a cold intro? That's
never happened before, so far as I remember!
They're...building a church? Braflashback
(Branflback? Flashbran?), is this Bran the Builder?
Aaaaahhhh ok. So they're just being
straight up with the Gravedigger's identity. GET HYPE. - CLEGANEBOWL GET HYPE
"In all my days I've never seen a man
swing an axe like that" I'm no expert, but I'm like 99% sure that he's got
pretty bad technique (at least for wood-chopping), you're meant to let the
weight of the axe-head do most of the work to avoid tiring yourself out.
Ah man I'm really missing the X-ray trivia
points. "Gods aren't done with you yet // I've heard that before - man was
talking about a different God though" I assume he's talking about Beric?
"Maybe it is the Seven, or maybe it is
the old gods, or maybe it's the Lord of Light" - is that the first time
we've heard that suggested outside the House of Black and White?
"You didn't know me back in my
time" - easy to forget that there are often long stretches between
episodes, and especially between seasons.
Olenna's fuckin' awesome. As always.
That was totally a passed message... - (what Margary sent to Olenna)
Yesssss I fuckin' KNEW it. No way they
broke Margary.
"I wonder if you're the worst person
I've ever met. At a certain age, it's hard to recall." - never has a fire
emoji been more fitting.
Oh, Bronn's in this? (I joke - he's great,
and having him hanging around whatever Lannister is around certainly adds to
the snark quota)
Serious question - what's the range on a
crossbow? Could anyone ever stand close enough to a castle wall to be heard
without risking a bolt in the face?
Goddamn, Jaime's been rocking some fine-ass
armour in the last couple of episodes.
Blackfish absolutely living up to his
reputation of cast-iron bollocks.
Oh come onnnnnn there's no way Arya could
survive that stabbing. Especially after then dousing herself in probably
disease-ridden water.
Oh hey it's the Hound's
girlfriend-in-a-refrigerator moment.
Episode 8
Varys is going on an expedition, and
Kevan's still alive. That latter's not going to remain true for long...
Lol I love how The Mountain is like the
most tangible projection of physical intimidation.
Brienne should really get some sort of
frequent flyer miles.
"Now listen to me Pod, see how your
feet are about a yard apart" saw that one coming :)
"In my experience, girls like [Sansa]
don't live very long" harsh but fair (given that last time he knew her)
Especially in light of Bronn's comments
("do you think they're fucking?"), and the Blackfish's questions
("who gave you that sword with a golden lion on the pommel?"), I keep
going back and forth on whether we're meant to think Jaime actually is
attracted to Brienne or just respects the hell out of her.
Oh maaaaaan, Brienne's going to die in the
defence of Riverrun, isn't she? :( killed in front of Jaime in a Ygritte/Jon
I mean, I'm surprised trial by combat
persisted this long, but yeah, forbidding it when your accused just developed a
human nuke seems reasonable...
"More. Much more." Why is it
always much more?
Tyrion's irrepressible attempts to develop
bonhomie with Missandei and Grey Worm is adorable.
"Kept me in a cell for years"
again, that reminder that episodes are not just a week apart.
"The things we do for love" hey,
that's the name of that episode!
OK, the Blackfish isn't wrong to be
suspicious, but...how could letting Edmure in be a trap? AFAIK, they don't have
any such thing as explosives. So long as Ed's kept under watch so he doesn't
commit treachery from the inside (on the assumption that he may have been
brainwashed), what could he actually do?
...well, yeah, ok, he can do that. But
that's not a "trap", that's "obeying your Lord's commands".
Depending on your definition of loyalty, that's precisely what you are meant to
do. You can either mutiny and decide that his commands aren't worth obeying (in
which case, you gained nothing by letting him in, and in fact at least saved
your figurehead and can help bring him back to your side), or just accept that
loyalty sometimes means doing things you don't personally agree with.
"You'll serve Sansa far better than I
ever could" the two aren't mutually exclusive you old fuck! - yeah, this really annoyed me. Absolutely no need for a dramatic death, there
Burning catapults on a ship seem like a
REALLY bad idea...(also, launching burning loads at a stone pyramid, seems like
a waste)
The Hound is now the very definition of a
murder-hobo. (It does bother me that Lem Yellowcloak went bad, though; he's
meant to be a reasonably decent guy in the books, no?)
Thoros really rocking that topknot.
He's taking their boots he's taking their
boots he really is a murder-hobo.
So I'm sure you're aware, because this is
the sort of thing you would know, but a properly executed hanging is over
instantly - the knot should press forward and break the neck. Hence the crack
you often hear in televised versions of it. And Lem's hanging didn't have that
crack, and he made more choking sounds and kicked and struggled for longer than
usual on this show. Impressive if intentional.
The Waif model T-800
Oranges splattered with blood. I choose to
believe that's a subtle Tarantino reference.
Not to be "that guy", but Needle
looks like a stabbing sword. Would it really be able to slice a candle like
"Finally a girl is no-one" don't
try to fucking pull that mysterious quasi-religious bullshit, Jaqen. Your
assassination attempt failed, don't play it like it was all just a training
OK, now that's all over - trying to decide
whether there's some deeper storyline significance to the anonymizing doctrine
of the Faceless Men, or if it's just a neat gimmick to distinguish them. It
makes sense in-universe given their story and beliefs, but in the story it only
seemed to serve to create tension between Arya's desire for vengeance and their
insistence that she leave it all behind. Which was never really played up in
the show (or maybe my binging just downplayed that?), so...did it achieve
anything? (it doesn't have to - it can just be flavour without significance -
but just wondering if you saw something in it that I missed)
reminding Dany of the Mad King's plans (which is not, technically, relevant at
this point, since the Mad King was planning to destroy his own city), the
episode after Cersei's spymaster was investigating some "rumours".
This does not bode well...
(Man, I hate how the presumed
idiocy/short-memory of TV watchers (in general, not just in this show) means
that things can't be true surprises, because they need to be reminded of
relevant foreshadowing just before the twist happens. It's just like the
fucking "Previously on..." segments that let you know exactly what
you should be remembering. I mean, given the history of the format, they're
probably not wrong to do so, but still...)
"We're here to discuss your surrender,
not mine" lolololol so snarky Daenerys. Never heard that one before.
Yeah, you very much do not want to just
pour fire onto one ship and ignore the others. Set multiple small fires and
circulate reinforcing them.
"Thank you for the armada" oh,
ok, fair enough. No need to destroy the materiel.
Restating once again my complete wrongness
in previously seeing any form of redemption in Ramsay.
Interesting that the Wildlings were
defeated by a "double envelopment" and so (as I recall) was Stannis
at the end of last season.
"Think and walk until I'm far enough
away from camp that no-one can hear me shitting my guts out" - oh man oh
man don't let him get killed in the dark by Bolton saboteurs :(
Oof, Davos finding the burned carved stag.
That's gotta hurt (although, they're just using the Rains of Castamere refrain
everywhere, now, apparently?)
"Have the Iron Islands ever had a
Queen?" "No more than Westeros" - Uhhh...my history's rusty, but
I'm pretty sure there was a Westerosi (Targaryan) Queen?
"I imagine your offer is free of any
marriage demands?" "I never demand, but I'm up for anything,
really" the line that launched a thousand ships.
Ships, you see, like the things that sail
and the thing that Internet people do... - do you get it? do you get it? Aaah, you don't get it
Oh Jon...you're pretty, but you're not that
bright...(I mean, yes, ok, probably no-one apart from the Mantis would be able
to remain dispassionate in that situation. But still.)
Oh, so that's what that gif of "a guy
waiting out a cavalry charge holding a long sword" that was going round
the Intenet is from"
That was a spectacularly choreographed
slice of chaos.
Barring outside help or supernatural aid,
there's no way in hell the Stark forces are escaping that kettling.
Wun-wun is the Prince that was Promised.
That was possibly the most satisfying
beating I've ever seen doled out, and I have no idea why seeing Sansa watching
him would have made him stop for one instant. If Ramsay's head's isn't soup
then you haven't finished (We'll ignore the fact that Bolton archers should
definitely have killed Jon in a second). This isn't an "if you kill me, I
win" Joker-type situation.
Oh man that is some sick fucking irony. - Ramsay becoming dog-food
Episode 10
Does the High Septon actually have anything to gain by condemning
Loras at this point? (Assuming, as I think is fair, that he can essentially
dictate the outcome). He's not going to win over House Tyrell, but is there
anything to be gained by antagonising them further, or by removing their heir?
Obviously, Cersei's "guilty" no matter what...
Ah, ok. Having him confess in front of
everybody is an even more powerful outcome. This guy can play the game.
There's...no reason for the Faith Militant
to chase that little boy?
Huh, ok. So Qyburn's little birds killing
Pycelle is the equivalent of Varys' killing Kevan. But...that doesn't have
anywhere near the same significance. Varys was unsettling a recovering King's
Landing in order to open the way for the Blackfyres/Targaryans. Qyburn
was...killing someone who would have died shortly in the wildfire explosion
soon anyway, and who would have been unable to prevent it. Seems unnecessary?
Except maybe to reinforce Qyburn's control over the little birds? But that
itself isn't necessary to the story?
Well damn.
Hah, that shot of Wildfire going up the
tunnel was in Bran's visions. Neat.
Cersei's a psychopath, no doubt, but can't
help but feel weirdly satisfied that she can get revenge on that Septa.
"You're not going to die today"
ok, maybe not.
"This is Ser Gregor Clegane" and
just like that, any sympathy for Cersei's gone again. Funny how that happens.
Counter-factual - could Cersei have saved
Margary if she wanted to? (Probably not - would have been too suspicious for
her to be absent from her brother's trial) Would she have done so if she could?
(probably not)
Oh man. I feel so sorry for Tommen, he got
used and manipulated his entire life.
"Can't go killing my son-by-law,
wouldn't be right. Give the family a bad name" Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
"Burn him, and bury his ashes where
the sept once stood" ok, tinfoil alert, but...Targ blood in Cersei? It
would certainly explain the Crazytown Bananapants.
Ah, finally the last remaining storyline
catches up with the books (Sam's). Have we had show-confirmation that White
Ravens (as seen when he arrives) signify the changing of the seasons?
"This is irregular" "Yes,
well, I suppose that life is irregular" Sam, you are so great.
So, things we could be expecting to see in
Oldtown - the Alchemist (probably not, since he's meant to be Jaqen), the
glass-candles...anything else?
Probably reading too much into this, but
the decoration on the chandeliers in the Oldtown library look very similar to
the surround on the "sun" in the intro sequence. So the
atlas-type-thing is presumably in Oldtown? (no significance that I can tell,
but a neat nod to the fact that they, allegedly, know everything that's going
on, and are responsible for magic leaving the world, and the burning-down of
the candles is why the dragons are returning)
"Ride South today. If you return to
the North, I'll have you hanged as a murderer" WHyyyyyyyyyyyyy!? The only
reason to keep her alive is to use her skills. You either kill her or employ
her. What the helllll Jon!? Yeah, ok, you owe her a solid because of the whole resurrection
thing, but...come on. Make better choices.
I really, really hope they're not teasing a
relationship between Jon and Sansa (then again I said that about April Ludgate
and Andy Dwyer and look how I ended up feeling about that, soooo...)
"I should have told you about him,
about the Knights of the Vale" yeah, you fuckin' should. Either you knew
about it and were hinting that there were allies coming (in which case, you
nearly got everyone killed in order to prove that you knew best, in which case
fuck you), or you didn't know about it, in which case don't fuckin' act like
you knew all along. Sansa, honey, I love you more than most seem to, but step
up your game.
SNAKES OLENNA AND THE SAND SNAKES FUCKIN' YES. Olenna is always the best but
this shit's goan get REAL.
(Olenna and the Sand Snakes is the name of
my something cover band)
"Survival is not what I'm after
Varys also has a teleporter, apparently.
Disappointed that they've abandoned the
Varys Blackfyre theory, but this is very satisfying nonetheless.
I still find it vaguely hilarious that
Daenerys and Tyrion are working together. It keeps feeling like weird (not
necessarily bad) fan-fiction or a parody "what-if" segment for like
Comic Relief or something.
Awww, Tyrion as Hand of the Queen. Bless.
"Black Walder and Lothar Frey promised
to be here by midday" come on, come on, please, please...
OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!? - a little context here - the Frey Pies is one of my favourite fan-theories, and I was getting increasingly frustrated that Wyman Manderley didn't seem to even be in the show. And then they not only delivered, but went and made it BETTER
(I should do an analysis on the proportion
of capital letters in these recaps as time goes on)
"And I only act if the answer is
yes" yeah, I see where this is going
"A picture of me on the Iron
Throne" oh, ok
"And you by my side" theerrrrre
we go.
Wow, we're into the Tower of Joy scene and
there are still 22 minutes to go. Call it 5 minutes of credits, that's 17
minutes of drawing it out?
Uhhhh......not to be a buzzkill, but she
said "his name is ", but definitely
began with an "a/ae/ah" sound. It was not Jon. I mean, the
implication is clear, but...what?
Lyanna fuckin' Mormont kickin' ass and
takin' names. Honestly got shivers a "whose name is Stark"
"I didn't commit my men to your cause
because I didn't want more Manderleys dying for nothing" Damn, D&D, why
you gotta make Manderley a weak-ass.
Dat half-time overblown theme tune backing
Uhhh...there were Martell sails in Danys
invasion fleet? I know Varys is probably negotiating a Tyrell/Martell/Targaryan
alliance, but would they have been able to get supplies to them that quickly?
Or was it a Second Suns sail that I just misread?
That final scene:
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